Proxmark3 community

Research, development and trades concerning the powerful Proxmark3 device.

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"Learn the tools of the trade the hard way." +Fravia

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#1 2020-08-25 19:31:31

Registered: 2020-08-25
Posts: 2

0/ Hi Everyone!


I am a relatively new user from Estonia (+-6 months exp).

I have expreimented around and cloned some of my lf tags. I have yet to learn hf, Mifare, have some trouble cloning.

However, since I like using Andprox much with OTG I flash often, since it can only take old official firmware.

Therefore I have made some adjustmets to the batch scripts of Flash all and Go, that come with precompiled nightlies, I would like to share that to give back to the community.

The main difference is listing COM devices for easier reference and when correct com number is chosen, it shows COM properties, baud, etc. Also flashing script checks and reports firmware files present.

Thank you all contributors for your time and passion into this for us users to enjoy!


#2 2020-08-25 19:41:19

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,533

Re: 0/ Hi Everyone!

Welcome and thank you for reading the introduction post

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