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#1 2019-03-24 16:52:06

Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 2

A little help with de-bricking PM3 EASY

Good Afternoon

My name is Fergus and could do with a little help with my bricked Proxmark3 Easy. I am a lecturer for a design school, I teach into an interaction design course. Last year there was allot of interest in RFID, so I got a proxmark to help me deliver a workshop designing an interactive table. We used the Proxmark to program some magic cards... etc.

It was exceptionally slow so I tried to upgrade the it to lasted iceman fork. However I must of done something wrong and this process didn't complete resulting in a bricked proxmark. It was no longer recognised by Mac nor Windows and I couldn't program it again even with the button pressed in on power up.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago. The students went on spring break and a few of them requested to do work with RFID when they return in a couple of weeks for their third term. So I ordered a J-Link Mini Edu, and downloaded the latest iceman fork and J-flasher V6.5a, it arrived yesterday and I hooked up the SWD cable to a breakout board and from there hooked all the wires across to a header I soldered onto the proxmark for J-Tag programming.

However I get this message.

Connecting ...
- Connecting via USB to J-Link device 0
- J-Link firmware: J-Link EDU Mini V1 compiled Mar  7 2019 15:20:28
- Device "AT91SAM7S256" selected.
- TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
- JTAG chain detection found 1 devices:
-  #0 Id: 0x3F0F0F0F, IRLen: 04, ARM7TDMI Core
- Auto JTAG speed: 2667 kHz
- Target interface speed: 2667 kHz (Auto)
- VTarget = 3.299V
- TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01
- JTAG chain detection found 1 devices:
-  #0 Id: 0x3F0F0F0F, IRLen: 04, ARM7TDMI Core
- Executing init sequence ...
    - Initialized successfully
- Auto JTAG speed: 2667 kHz
- Target interface speed: 2667 kHz (Auto)
- ERROR: Memory access timed out @ 00200000 -> JTAG speed too high ?
Failed to halt CPU for clock frequency detection!
- ERROR: Failed to measure CPU clock frequency
- ERROR: Failed to connect.
Could not determine CPU clock frequency.

I can see it is a 16MHz crystal however even if I enter is manually I get the same results.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank you


#2 2019-03-24 17:40:28

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,506

Re: A little help with de-bricking PM3 EASY

Welcome and I suggest you read as an introduction.

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