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#1 2017-06-25 18:20:51

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

[solved] vingcard dumps

All solved,  nothing needed anymore. Leaving the original post for reference


Now, this is a callout for vingcard dumps / cards of new model which uses Ul-EV1

I don't have more details about this than

  • old system uses UL with diversified otp and xor of data.

  • old system uses mifare classic 1k/4k with diversified key

  • new system w version uses UL-EV1 with diversified pwd / otp

Post here,,,, email me,  doesn't matter to me.  Same same but different.

UL-EV1 with a pwd. This pwd is most likely diversified.  So, complete dumps with pwd and pack is needed.
Default pwd 0xffffffff has also been seen.  Use hf mfu info


#2 2017-06-26 09:14:10

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

More gathered information.

Vingcard has seven different versions with different cardmodels,  some even use the antique CryptoRF

A - Old system
Uses many default keys/pwd,
OTP-algo known.
Mifare Classic sector1 keyA /B algos known.

  • Mifare Ultralight

  • Mifare Ultralight-C

  • Mifare Classic 1K

  • Mifare Classic 4K

B - Old system clones
These are chinese clones, which is based on the old system but didn't work properly until version3

  • Mifare Classic 1K (version2)

  • Mifare Classic 1K (version3)

C - New system
Uses PWD/PACK, against new readers.

  • Mifare Ultralight EV1

Features of concern

  • A - The ultralight based cards is old,  some uses the default password

  • A - The classic based cards,  some keys are default,  some are fixed, and some is diversified

  • A - There is two key diversification algos for classic for sector 1.  (algo known)

  • B -(dated 2015) - some keys only for sectors 0, 1 and 2

  • B -(dated 2017) - random keys for sectors: 0, 1, 2 and 6

  • C - uses PWD/PACK (algo known)

To be figured out

  • old - the two key diversification algos.  *solved*

  • new - pwd algo *solved*

  • datamapping

The s50/s70 cards uses MAD type2 in sector0, block1,2.  Which explains the use of the default key 0xa1a2a3a4a54
S70 also uses s10, block1,2 
Seen AIDs:  7005,7006,7007,7009   which belongs to vingcard and grouping Hotels.  *obviously*


#3 2017-06-27 09:14:26

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

After getting a lot of different info back,  I can summerize that Vingcard uses many types of cards. At least seven (seen in post above) is used in the wild.

Funny tidbits of info:
UL-ev1 are supposed to work on UL readers.
This suggest that the system doesn't take advantage of the new functionality ul-ev1 offers. Which would explain the default keys found.

UL-C is used on brand new system,  on top-of-the-line cruise ship, also with default 3des key.
Classic tags has a key diversification scheme for some few sectors.  But so many default ones, that you can get all keys anyway.


#4 2017-06-27 12:23:59

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

So how did I gather this information?  Well,  its an puzzle where ppl give me a little bit of information,   I look at dumps and I make assumptions.  Funny, how ppl release more and more pieces of this puzzle as times goes.  I'm going to update my previous posts to paint the picture as clear as I understand it today.

And no,  I didn't read vingcard homepage nor assa abloy's.  All you see here is a bit hearsay and the rest is validated against tagdumps. (thank you all for sharing)


#5 2017-06-27 12:36:02

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Old vingcard dump (MFUL)



#6 2017-06-27 12:41:10

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Thanks,  here you can clearly see the xorkey 0x16.

A detection of vingcard,  would need uid -> otp (block3) match.


#7 2017-06-27 21:52:40

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

This summer i'll go on holidays and i'll visit several hotels. I'll try to get vingcard dumps (most hotels use it). Maybe i'll further investigate about Legic advant if I find locks using it.


#8 2017-06-27 21:59:18

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Go nuts bro!
Just try sniff,  read,  dump all cards you can get your hands on. Sometimes they (the hotel reception) reprograms it for you. Just tell them it doesn't work smile  Keep track of data,  like time, date, roomnumber etc.  Also try asking what system they use..


#9 2017-07-01 15:26:19

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Minor update,

The old version,  Mifare classic keyA algo,  well I got 9 of 12 nibbles down.  Those sneaky bastards had me going in the wrong direction for three days. 
The keyB algo is still unkown to me.


#10 2017-07-13 23:19:25

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Minor update,

The old version, Mifare classic KeyA and KeyB algos are solved.  *thanks bro!*


#11 2017-07-14 11:31:39

Registered: 2015-05-24
Posts: 701

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

is this the ving card you are working on iceman?
ving card


#12 2017-07-14 11:33:54

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

looks like it


#13 2017-07-18 21:47:59

Registered: 2017-07-16
Posts: 3

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

These are 99 vingcard dumps, old, MFUL
I'm looking for algo  calculate OTP  by UID

   UID          UID                     OTP
[1][2][3]    [4][5][6][7]              [1][2][3][4]
04 3e c4 76  8a db 49 81  99 48 00 00  04 08 3e 19
04 45 5e 97  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  2e 01 d5 0b
04 5e e5 37  e2 db 3f 81  87 48 00 00  b5 06 ce 22
04 0f 1e 9d  12 dc 3f 85  74 48 00 00  8e 00 3f 04
04 b0 26 1a  7a 06 3f 80  c3 48 00 00  a6 0e f0 15
04 29 52 f7  12 dc 3f 81  70 48 00 00  22 07 39 09
04 ea 46 20  62 e7 40 80  45 48 00 00  e6 0c 8a 19
04 e4 b8 d0  62 e7 40 80  45 48 00 00  58 04 c4 20
04 8a ca cc  aa a0 35 80  bf 48 00 00  aa 0f aa 20
04 6d 48 a9  ba db 3f 80  de 48 00 00  f8 09 5d 17
04 1c f2 62  22 dc 3f 80  41 48 00 00  72 0d 5c 13
04 2c 2d 8d  12 dc 3f 85  74 48 00 00  9d 01 dc 06
04 e2 12 7c  12 dc 3f 84  75 48 00 00  72 0e 42 10
04 67 ed 06  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  ad 07 c7 23
04 27 fb 50  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  9b 04 a7 20
04 76 23 d9  8a 41 3e 80  75 48 00 00  d3 0d 06 12
04 9a c0 d6  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  80 05 9a 17
04 25 b7 1e  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  f7 07 05 1c
04 72 0f f1  d2 e3 3e 84  8b 48 00 00  bf 0a 02 15
04 ad 33 12  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  b3 08 cd 0f
04 96 3e 24  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  1e 0c 36 0e
04 52 66 b8  7a 06 3f 81  c2 48 00 00  06 05 32 13
04 3d 7e cf  7a 06 3f 81  c2 48 00 00  4e 04 ad 13
04 bd 48 79  72 06 3f 84  cf 48 00 00  78 08 0d 17
04 e8 19 7d  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  89 0e 98 11
04 3b c8 7f  8a 06 3f 81  32 48 00 00  98 08 2b 19
04 53 fe 21  d2 e3 3e 80  8f 48 00 00  ae 08 23 22
04 02 fc 72  d2 e3 3e 81  8e 48 00 00  7c 03 42 1d
04 cb 1c 5b  d2 e3 3e 84  8b 48 00 00  2c 00 1b 1b
04 49 e1 24  7a 06 3f 81  c2 48 00 00  41 0e c9 1a
04 72 ee 10  8a 41 3e 81  74 48 00 00  0e 02 92 1e
04 27 20 8b  1a dc 3f 85  7c 48 00 00  b0 01 77 06
04 4f 0f cc  92 06 3f 84  2f 48 00 00  6f 0d 0f 0f
04 8e 5e 5c  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  be 0c ae 10
04 e6 2c 46  8a 06 3f 84  37 48 00 00  6c 04 e6 1a
04 f8 12 66  7a 06 3f 80  c3 48 00 00  52 09 78 18
04 c4 aa e2  8a 06 3f 80  33 48 00 00  aa 0e 04 1f
04 38 41 f5  8a 06 3f 81  32 48 00 00  b1 0f 48 10
04 d7 10 4b  12 dc 3f 84  75 48 00 00  20 0d 07 0f
04 37 fe 45  12 dc 3f 81  70 48 00 00  ee 0e 87 14
04 2a 32 94  12 dc 3f 81  70 48 00 00  12 01 0a 07
04 2b 7c db  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  8c 04 fb 0b
04 11 22 bf  12 dc 3f 85  74 48 00 00  72 02 81 04
04 6b b1 56  fa df 3f 81  9b 48 00 00  f1 02 cb 21
04 80 3d 31  72 06 3f 80  cb 48 00 00  ed 0c b0 13
04 55 37 ee  02 e0 3f 81  5c 48 00 00  77 06 75 09
04 2d 09 a8  22 dc 3f 85  44 48 00 00  29 00 ed 05
04 d1 f4 a9  da db 3f 80  be 48 00 00  a4 10 e1 2a
04 53 cb 14  e2 db 3f 81  87 48 00 00  ab 08 13 20
04 7d 67 96  7a 06 3f 80  c3 48 00 00  a7 06 5d 16
04 1c c3 53  02 e0 3f 81  5c 48 00 00  53 0e 4c 0e
04 76 22 d8  7a 06 3f 80  c3 48 00 00  c2 02 16 11
04 c1 de 93  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  6e 10 91 28
04 d2 dc 82  ea db 3f 80  8e 48 00 00  dc 0e 12 29
04 64 2e c6  02 e0 3f 80  5d 48 00 00  ee 04 e4 09
04 94 eb f3  02 e0 3f 80  5d 48 00 00  7b 08 c4 18
04 4e 0c ce  ca e3 3e 84  93 48 00 00  cc 08 ce 12
04 2d ec 4d  ca e3 3e 81  96 48 00 00  dc 01 5d 1e
04 70 e4 18  ca e3 3e 80  97 48 00 00  84 06 50 22
04 1d 70 e1  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  20 08 2d 0a
04 6e 45 a7  72 06 3f 80  cb 48 00 00  15 06 fe 12
04 18 61 f5  7a 06 3f 81  c2 48 00 00  d1 00 68 0f
04 7b 62 95  7a 06 3f 80  c3 48 00 00  d2 06 cb 15
04 b1 a5 98  8a 06 3f 80  33 48 00 00  45 0a f1 1e
04 95 78 61  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  28 10 a5 12
04 af b1 92  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  31 01 cf 17
04 22 13 bd  02 e0 3f 85  58 48 00 00  83 03 92 03
04 7a 21 d7  e2 db 3f 84  82 48 00 00  f1 0b 6a 18
04 7f f7 04  e2 db 3f 81  87 48 00 00  d7 07 bf 25
04 36 cd 77  e2 db 3f 81  87 48 00 00  9d 02 a6 1e
04 d7 db 80  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  7b 0f 57 29
04 6a e3 05  8a 41 3e 80  75 48 00 00  53 01 da 1d
04 e2 6e 00  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  0e 0a 82 16
04 18 3b af  fa df 3f 85  9f 48 00 00  0b 0e 08 15
04 f7 48 33  8a 41 3e 80  75 48 00 00  58 03 27 1c
04 50 11 cd  12 dc 3f 85  74 48 00 00  81 05 20 07
04 e7 18 73  d2 e3 3e 84  8b 48 00 00  a8 02 b7 1d
04 37 97 2c  ca e3 3e 81  96 48 00 00  77 07 f7 19
04 a0 bd 91  0a e0 3f 80  55 48 00 00  ed 01 10 16
04 26 e5 4f  d2 e3 3e 81  8e 48 00 00  35 02 36 1e
04 04 65 ed  fa df 3f 81  9b 48 00 00  55 0a 74 16
04 d5 5d 04  fa df 3f 80  9a 48 00 00  bd 07 d5 23
04 cd 7a 3b  02 e0 3f 80  5d 48 00 00  8a 0b 1d 14
04 4b e5 22  02 e0 3f 81  5c 48 00 00  65 0b 2b 13
04 7c fd 0d  d2 e3 3e 81  8e 48 00 00  6d 06 8c 24
04 8c 38 38  ea db 3f 84  8a 48 00 00  d8 05 ac 1b
04 3b 2e 99  ea db 3f 85  8b 48 00 00  de 0f 4b 15
04 a9 f8 dd  ea db 3f 80  8e 48 00 00  e8 0c 59 28
04 1e 49 db  ea db 3f 85  8b 48 00 00  d9 0b 4e 15
04 62 bd 53  ea db 3f 81  8f 48 00 00  cd 03 b2 20
04 c6 fa b0  12 dc 3f 80  71 48 00 00  9a 03 a6 1d
04 ae 11 33  da db 3f 84  ba 48 00 00  21 06 7e 19
04 74 3b c3  da db 3f 84  ba 48 00 00  4b 09 a4 18
04 1d ed 7c  fa df 3f 81  9b 48 00 00  cd 01 9d 20
04 58 53 87  02 e0 3f 81  5c 48 00 00  23 01 48 0b
04 41 0a c7  da db 3f 85  bb 48 00 00  5a 09 d1 12
04 3f 67 d4  8a 41 3e 80  75 48 00 00  c7 0d 7f 13
04 76 ca 30  e2 db 3f 81  87 48 00 00  6a 06 16 22
04 aa ec ca  e2 db 3f 80  86 48 00 00  ec 0a 6a 27

PS. I have over 1000 cards, can make dumps and upload to somewhere if needed

Last edited by nistix (2017-07-18 21:50:07)


#14 2017-07-19 08:29:42

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Nice sample set, you can figure out the OTP algo by analysing your samples.  Good practice for you.

I'm still looking for UL-ev1  pwd/pack samples.


#15 2017-07-25 08:35:35

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Holidays "followup": No Vingcard yet but found strange system in hotel. They use standard mechanical keys but chip card for the light switch. You have to put the card in a shitty smartcard reader to have electricity in the room. By looking on the chip it looks like the SLE4442 (not sure but Infineon micromodule) Not dumped but probably just an id and might be copied to another card. I said SLE4442 because it's incredibly popular and also used in some vingcard system. So they might have designed the thing to be compatible w' Vingcard


#16 2017-07-25 09:11:20

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

key and smarcard imagine that.   I have seen light power contacts with mag-stripe, rfid and "fake" with a tiny breakswitch in the bottom which could be foold with a business card smile


#17 2017-07-25 10:03:37

Registered: 2012-11-26
Posts: 191

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Some light switches detect the presence of any 13.56 MHz card. They consist of quartz 13.56MHz, 74HC04 (logical element NOT), generator is made of this chip, and an operational amplifier. When the card in the pocket - it takes away energy from the contour - the light turns on)


#18 2017-07-25 21:49:45

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Sentinel wrote:

Some light switches detect the presence of any 13.56 MHz card. They consist of quartz 13.56MHz, 74HC04 (logical element NOT), generator is made of this chip, and an operational amplifier. When the card in the pocket - it takes away energy from the contour - the light turns on)

Yes indeed. Also, most (NXP) modern NFC frontend chips has interrupt pin when card is detected in field, so you can easily handle that with low cost MCU....
Don't get me for 100 % sure, but I think PN512 has it and it's cost is pretty low...
On the other hand, hotel business is serious money...


#19 2017-07-26 19:45:16

Registered: 2012-11-26
Posts: 191

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

PN512 expensive chip. And for him need a microcontroller .. I can not find this Chinese card at 74HC04 ((( ... when I find it - I'll post a photo )

For example, SALTO locks use clrc632 (USD $5..6) and an optical prism to detect a card near the lock


#20 2017-07-27 09:41:17

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Found another light switch system. It's written on it that it's a magnetic switch. The hotel has mechanical keys + a keyfob w' a magnet in it. Just some some kind of reed switch.


#21 2017-07-27 09:51:13

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Its better to start a lght-switch thread, instead of cluttering down this one.


#22 2017-09-26 11:16:31

Registered: 2017-01-10
Posts: 14

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

iceman, are you still looking for Ultralight EV1 dumps?

I'm at a hotel now with those keys but I cant seem to figure out how to get the Proxmark3 to clone them. Is that even possible in the latest firmware? I just get some dump data and authentication failed error messages. These are Assa Abloy cards.


#23 2017-09-26 12:06:31

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Yes, I still look for UL-ev1 dumps.  Complete ones. 
you will sniff pwd ,  using pm3  - card - reader.   

hf 14a sniff
hf list 14a

The pwd should be easy to read in the tracelog output.
you use key to dump the card.

hf mfu dump k bbbbbbb


#24 2017-09-26 12:10:28

Registered: 2017-01-10
Posts: 14

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Noted, wil do.


#25 2017-09-27 20:12:02

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

ok, finally I got my hands on some Ultralight-Ev1 with Pwd/pack samples. 

Time to get crunching


#26 2017-09-28 11:04:14

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

To enable ppl to have a go at it,  have some Ultraligth Ev1 samples.  (thanks

UID            | OTP      | pwd       | pack |
042490D27B4A81 | B0068418 | BBB3 5F35 | 1BBF
043E75DA7B4A81 | C5092E19 | D3F4 2D6E | BAF4
0405ABDA7B4A81 | AB07E518 | 2E52 7D26 | 93AA
044646D27B4A81 | A60D6616 | 1E15 28C9 | 7B11
04442952FA4E81 | D903740C | 9B25 C489 | 0BC1

046233D27B4A84 | A308D216 | 9EE9 F34E | 5E56
046639D27B4A84 | C9083617 | 7529 C0BB | 5897
049A3AD27B4A84 | 9A073A1A | 3B18 1386 | E075
049141D27B4A84 | A100111A | FBEF CBD5 | 4C00
04633A5AFA4E84 | AA00D30F | DFC0 41BA | EEC5


#27 2018-04-14 14:58:32

From: Oklahoma, USA
Registered: 2017-08-01
Posts: 4

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps


What's the current status of this project?


#28 2018-04-16 05:54:05

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Still too few samples to play with.


#29 2018-04-17 01:00:05

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 3

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

I'll try to get you some. Planning a big trip next days hope to find a few of them around.



#30 2018-04-17 02:16:57

From: Oklahoma, USA
Registered: 2017-08-01
Posts: 4

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Would 10,000 be enough?


#31 2018-04-17 03:26:01

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

@mrials,   10.000 samples with pwd / pack?   that would be a great starting point.
It depends if the samples are in sequential order with uid.

But if you have a dataset with it,  do please share. smile

...but only the  UL-Ev1 new pwd / pack samples is of interest,    10.000 samples sounds like a Vingcard hotel device found on this forum,   data from that one is of no interest for me.


#32 2018-04-17 20:20:40

From: Oklahoma, USA
Registered: 2017-08-01
Posts: 4

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

I haven't checked if the UID's are sequential. They are cards to be used in hotels. They are unlocked blanks not yet programmed for rooms. They are the UL-EV1's and will include pwd/pack


#33 2018-04-18 06:48:52

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps


I have a sneaky feeling the pwd/pack is all set to the same if un-programmed,..
Secondly,  to get the pwd/pack you would need to sniff the com traffic between valid reader / card.

Still,  its interesting to see what kind of tags it is.    Are you able to sniff with a pm3?


#34 2018-04-23 16:18:10

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2016-10-05
Posts: 180

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

10k. Interesting. It would be best if we can get a 1-2 working lockset with 200 sequential cards, if not the desktop encoder with the software and 200 cards to start. And it will be best if you have them all! smile

If you are interested, I can email you my address and we can start working on things


#35 2018-04-25 16:59:06

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

There we go,

Makes me wonder why they waited until now to mention it?


#36 2019-01-13 22:53:40

From: /root
Registered: 2019-01-13
Posts: 5

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Hi iceman
can you share the two key diversification algos?(old version)


#37 2019-01-14 10:01:44

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Are there any news regarding PWD/PACK algo at all? Vingcard is changing hotel SW, FW and locks this year... smile


#38 2019-01-14 15:14:07

From: /root
Registered: 2019-01-13
Posts: 5

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

do you have Vingcard  installation files? i can reverse the files and find algo  wink


#39 2019-01-14 15:31:26

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

NfcMan wrote:

do you have Vingcard  installation files? i can reverse the files and find algo  wink

Great, will try to get the latest version and let you know!


#40 2019-01-21 20:18:56

From: /root
Registered: 2019-01-13
Posts: 5

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

djolemag wrote:
NfcMan wrote:

do you have Vingcard  installation files? i can reverse the files and find algo  wink

Great, will try to get the latest version and let you know!

Any News About Vingcard Software?


#41 2019-01-22 08:20:28

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

NfcMan wrote:
djolemag wrote:
NfcMan wrote:

do you have Vingcard  installation files? i can reverse the files and find algo  wink

Great, will try to get the latest version and let you know!

Any News About Vingcard Software?

Hi, still waiting to get it to my hands... Hope to have it soon.


#42 2019-02-05 10:59:46

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Could you please contact me on PM? I don't have option to send you PM....


#43 2019-02-05 20:42:17

From: /root
Registered: 2019-01-13
Posts: 5

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

i updated my email


#44 2019-02-05 23:41:48

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

PM sent


#45 2019-05-16 16:05:43

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 11

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Anyone can give me a hint?
Still can't find the OTP algo after months...


#46 2019-06-19 16:34:32

Registered: 2016-06-10
Posts: 51

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

any news regarding UL EV1 PWD/Pack algo?
you can leave me a PM/email

@iceman: are you still interested or do you have a solution?

I have some hotel card dumps with default passwd 0xFFFFFFFF, they are probably not useful here?

Last edited by Mackwa (2019-06-19 16:47:17)


#47 2019-06-19 18:22:50

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

always interested,  but default pwd isn't of interest.  They are only interesting in the purpose of data mapping  smile Can't use them for new algo.

Share them and lets see what happens


#48 2019-06-20 09:04:10

Registered: 2016-06-10
Posts: 51


#49 2019-07-19 09:49:12

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Can someone share samples of non-default UL EV1 ?
@mrials: do you still have those 10k samples?


#50 2019-08-14 09:52:13

From: Serbia
Registered: 2014-06-12
Posts: 13

Re: [solved] vingcard dumps

Here are 694 samples of sniffed PWD/PACK pairs of UL EV 1, sharing to community. Any input is highly appreciate. … sp=sharing


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